General Supply List
- Notebook paper (college rule, loose leaf)
- Binders
- Blue/black pens
- Pencils
- Planner (11th/12th grade unless comfortable using Outlook calendar)
- Post-its (English)
- Graphing calculator (math)
- Folders with pockets
- 1 1/2” binder
- Tape
- Markers/Colored Pencils/Crayons
- Notebook Subject Dividers (HPE)
- HPE Uniform—gray shirt, blue or black shorts, athletic shoes
- Wired earbuds/headphones
- USB thumb drive; minimum 16 GB
- Laptop sleeve
- Microfiber towel for cleaning computer screen
Social Studies
- Folders with prongs in the middle
Always helpful to teachers, but not required
- Expo markers
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer
1. Supplies needed for specific classes will be provided on the syllabus at the beginning of the school year.
- You do not need to purchase the items listed in the syllabus if they are included in the list above.
2. In using the security scanning technology, these items will follow alternative measures:
- Metal eyeglass case (hard plastic material not an issue)
- Metal water bottle (plastic BPA-free water bottle not an issue)
- 3-ring binder (non-metal are not an issue)
- Umbrella
- Musical instrument