
[email protected]

Email Patriot High School for all early dismissal requests, absences, and tardies.

Emails should include:

  • Subject line - the date and type of request (xx/xx/xxxx, early dismissal or xx/xx/xxxx, tardy, etc.)
  • Body - student's name, the phone number to contact parent/guardian, the reason for the request (appointment, illness, etc.), and the time the student should be dismissed.

Handwritten notes will also be accepted with the following information:

  • a parent/guardian signature
  • the reason for the request (per PWCS Regulation)
  • parent/guardian phone number listed for verification.

For any early dismissal requests received less than an hour ahead of time, parents must call the school for more information, or visit the front office.

Any falsification of information submitted (student-initiated, student-signed, or student-submitted emails or notes) is subject to disciplinary action, including and up to afterschool detention to extracurricular activity participation.

Excused absences include:

  • Illness of the student
  • Medical appointments
  • Court (subpoena or summons must be presented to school)
  • Religious observance
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Visiting a sick relative in the hospital
  • College visits (for seniors unless approved by an administrator)
  • Administration approved pre-arranged absences

Unexcused absences include:

  • Oversleeping
  • Car problems
  • Missing the bus
  • Finishing homework or project
  • Vacation/out of town
  • No utility service


  • Excused tardies include all items listed above for excused absences, emergency situations arising from unusual weather conditions, and late buses.
  • Unexcused tardies include oversleeping, broken alarm clock, missed bus/ride, car trouble, and traffic.
    Excessive tardies may result in an administrator referral, loss of parking pass, or further disciplinary actions.
  • Five (5) tardies to school results in morning detention and warning for loss of parking pass.
  • Ten (10) tardies to school results in loss of parking pass for 10 days.
  • Fifteen (15) tardies to school results in loss of parking privileges for 30 days AND tardy probation (five additional tardies to school will result in immediate loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the grading period).

Students that are 18 years old and still living with their parents cannot excuse their own tardies or absences, or write their own early dismissals. 

Questions can be directed to our attendance secretary, Ms. Jame Banik at [email protected]