Welcome to the Patriot High School Library!
Office phone: 703-594-2593
Request books here: Book Request Form
Search the library catalog: Patriot Library Catalog
Here is an instructional video on how to search the library catalog and order a book for curbside delivery.
How to use Destiny Discover to search for a book and the Destiny App to read electronically:
Destiny Discover
Destiny App
Use your Office 365 username/password for the Destiny App
If you need assistance finding a book, contact one of the librarians below.
Mrs. Knight - [email protected]
Ms. Bourell - [email protected]
Patriot High School Library Media Center Mission Statement
The mission of the Patriot High School Library Media Center is to provide a welcoming environment where our patrons value the principles of leadership, integrity, character, and pride. The library will provide a program that ensures that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
This mission is accomplished:
- By providing intellectual and physical access to resources in all formats
- By providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas
- By integrating curriculum, resources, technology, and staffing
- By collaborating with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students
In order to accomplish this mission and to allow our users to become accomplished 21st century learners, we will strive to incorporate the essential Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens and The Leader in Me.
Check-out Policies
Photo ID required for checkout. Four items can be checked out at one time.
Books: Three weeks
Magazines: One week
eBooks and Audio Downloadable Books: Three weeks
Reference: May not be checked out
Jennifer Knight, Librarian | [email protected]
Lisa Bourell, Librarian | [email protected]
Carla Evins, Library Media Assistant | [email protected]